Friday, September 6, 2013

An intro usually starts with a name. I'll leave my name for the end. I like to flip things around. Mix, muddle. I like it when your eyebrows raise and scrunch. Scrunch. Crunch. Chip. Salt. Ocean.

I drip and poke. Sometimes I scratch. Stick and pile. Collect paint under my fingernails. If I don't get nicked or burned or splattered then I'm not doing enough. I don't make art. I make art. I don't make art. I make art. He loves me, he loves me not. I contradict myself. It's what I do best.

My history with new media begins now. I see something, I snap a photo with my phone. There it lives. Time to free it. My knowledge of clicks and scrolls is basic. Gmail. Microsoft Word. Skype. "Hi Ma!"

Math. Numbers. Computers. Programs. Sequential. Formulaic. Not how I work. I've learned to embrace my Dyscalculia. That being said, I am not closed. I will learn. I may be slower than most, but I will try.

I will try and I will get it.

My name is Jessica Fenjves.

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